Inspirational Story

Katie Hill

Why did you choose to be a dietetic assistant?

I attended a talk held at my local gym by my yoga teacher and NHS Dietitian. She was so passionate and made me realise what a great career dietetics could be. I then started looking in to becoming a dietitian and applied to study Food Science and Nutrition BSc part time, alongside my full-time career.

I thought I would stay within that career until I had at least finished my undergrad, however I kept job alerts on for dietetics. I had never heard of a dietetic assistant when I received the alert of an opening, and when I read the job description, I knew it would be a fab way to start my dietetics career whilst studying.

How do you find your role and working in a dietetic department?

I absolutely love my role as a dietetic assistant. Every day is different, and I am surrounded by so many amazing dietitian’s that I am lucky enough to be able to learn from daily. Being a dietetic assistant means I am getting experience that will help me in the future as a dietitian, but I am also able to shadow in different areas of dietetics.

I absolutely love my role as a dietetic assistant. Every day is different, and I am surrounded by so many amazing dietitian's that I am lucky enough to be able to learn from daily

What are your future plans? Do you want to become a dietitian and what route will you take and why?

I plan on becoming a dietitian in the future and would like to do this via the apprenticeship route. This means I will still be able to work within my role whilst studying. I originally planned on doing my Masters, but that would likely mean having to leave the trust whilst I study – and now I’m here I can’t ever imagine leaving!

The role of a Dietitian

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