Inspirational Story

Grace Whiting

Name: Grace Whiting

Role: Music Therapist

What is your AHP role?

I’m a music therapist working for Leeds and York NHS Partnership Foundation Trust.

I work in the EMERGE complex emotional needs service for 18-25 year olds.


What subjects/ did you study before becoming a Music Therapist? 

My undergraduate degree was in Applied Social Studies and Criminology. I then did a Master’s Degree in Music Therapy.


What influenced your choice of profession?

Music has been an important part of my life from a young age when I started learning to play the piano and viola.

During my teenage years, I was really influenced by music.  It became part of my identity and was a way for me to express myself.

It also helped me through some difficult times!  I wanted to use my passion for music to help others.


What were your thoughts before and after starting the course/your role?

I was really excited to be offered a place on the music therapy training. Many people who train are older and have already had careers in a related field.

I started training when I was 23.  It’s a very intensive course and I had to learn a lot about myself through personal therapy, experiential groups and supervision.

Music is special because it offers an opportunity for communication and self-expression without always having to use words

What do you love about your role?

Seeing the many different ways that music can have a positive influence on the lives of our service users, whether through supporting them to express their feelings, building relationships or telling the story of their lives.

Music is special because it offers an opportunity for communication and self-expression without always having to use words.


What does your role look like day to day?

I see service users face to face & usually weekly.

I offer sessions in Leeds City Centre, where service users have access to a range of musical instruments & equipment.

This is mainly on a 1:1 basis, but I’m also able to offer groups.

My role involves a lot of multidisciplinary working with other team members in EMERGE, through team meetings, supervision and reflective sessions.


How you came to be in the position you are in now?

I’ve worked in several NHS teams as a music therapist: adult forensic, community learning disability teams, CAMHS and now with young adults in EMERGE.

My first job was in a large arts/creative therapies team in Nottinghamshire.  Having this support early on gave me the confidence to work in teams where I was sometimes the only music therapist.

Music Therapy

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