Inspirational Story

Zainab Khan

Who am I? Zainab khan

What is my role? I am an Occupational Therapy student currently in my third year at the University of Bradford

What subjects/ courses have I completed at school/college?

A Levels

  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Chemistry


What influenced my choice of profession?

When it came to deciding what I wanted to do after school I was not set on a particular profession. However, a few OTs and an OT student at my sixth form visited to give a talk about the profession. This influenced me into exploring OT further as I was interested in the nature of the course.

One thing that I liked about the course was that it was very practical offering numerous placements throughout the three years. I felt that this was beneficial as it would equip me with skills, knowledge and experience to become a registered Occupational Therapist.

Completing charity work in my spare time and being involved in a charity group allowed me to gain communication and teamworking skills. This is essential in OT as we work with a wide variation of different community groups such as children, adults and the elderly.

I came to find that I loved working with different communities and thus felt that this was a course I wanted to do.

we work with a wide variation of different community groups such as children, adults and the elderly

What advise would I give for those in school deciding what they want to do after?

It is important to explore the different professions out there and do your research thoroughly.

When researching, the advise would be to then match this with what your interests are and what you enjoy as this will enable you to fulfil your future career.

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